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MultiSet arrow Troubleshooting
Repair installation
If the automatic installation process freezes, press the 'Break' key on the keyboard or the click 'Pause' button on the playback panel. It will extend the playback panel and you will see the installation log.

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Scroll to the end of the log and memorize the last successful action. Click the 'Stop' button. It will stop the automatic installation. Now open the properties of the necessary package and switch to the 'Script' tab. Move the cursor to the action following the one you memorized earlier. It freezes the automatic installation.

repair install

How to solve the problem:

1. Replace the window action reproduction method with the time method. To do it, right-click the item. It will change the icon of the item. Click the 'OK' button and repeat the automatic installation.

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2. Disable some visible windows. To do it, double-click the item in the list. You will see the list of visible windows. If there is a checkbox selected next to an item in the list, MultiSet will search the screen for this window. If it is not selected, MultiSet will not search the screen for this window. One or several visible windows may turn out to be 'unnecessary'. Disable them. Click the 'OK' button and repeat the automatic installation.

Examples of visible windows that can be disabled:

1. Windows with dynamic styles. For example, Afx 400000:23234. You can see the style of each window in the second column of the list. Since these styles are formed dynamically, they will be different each time and MultiSet will not be able to identify such a window. So you can disable them.

2.The InstallShield installer can display a small window with 'InstallShield Starting...' at the beginning of the installation.

It disappears in about 5 seconds. If you do anything during this time, the window will be added to the list of visible windows and it will freeze the automatic installation process. So you can disable it.

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3. Windows with the specified memory amount.

4. Windows that appear when you move the mouse pointer over interface elements.


1. It is not recommended to set the time playback method for the first action in a process. You can easily find the first action in a process. It is highlighted in a dark color. It is not recommended because the system needs some time to initiate a process and the necessary windows will not have enough time to appear on the screen.

2. It is not recommended to disable main windows. You can easily detect main windows in a process. They are highlighted in a dark color.

3. If the system freezes while you are recording installation, i.e. it does not respond to mouse clicks and keystrokes, press Ctrl+Esc. Wait 2 seconds and continue recording. It happens when you install MS SQL 2005, for example. After you create the package, open its properties and delete unnecessary actions.

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